
2018 年 8 月,位於新北市的恆毅高級中學有一群對機器人充滿熱忱的學生向FIRST 申請了永久隊號 7673,並將隊伍命名為 Formosan Sika 意即臺灣梅花鹿,是臺灣知名的特有種,我們的學長姐希望透過參與競賽的機會,讓世界看見臺灣。


FRC 競賽的特色讓隊伍中的成員特長不局限於某個領域,機構與程式設計、文書、公關等,每項能力對於整場比賽來說都是至關重要且缺一不可的,我們的成員除了在團隊中發揮所長,隊友間亦時常相互交流、學習,勇於嘗試自己不熟悉的範疇,賦予競賽更高層次的意義。



August 2018, a group of students from HengYi High School in New Taipei City who were passionate about robots applied to FIRST for the permanent team number 7673, and named the team Formosan Sika. Formosan Sika means Taiwan sika deer, which is a well-knownendemic species in Taiwan. The senior hopes to let the world see Taiwan through the opportunity of participating in the competition.

The five years since its establishment, we have flown across the Pacific Ocean to other countries to participate in regional competitions, to witness Taiwan hosting our own competitions, from passively accepting help from other teams, to actively hold exchange activities with other teams, and even support and collaborate to provide assistance together.The new team allows more students to have the opportunity to fight side by side
with us and witness many touching and inspiring moments.

The characteristics of the FRC competition make the expertise of the team members not limited to a certain field, such as organization and programming, documents, public relations, etc., each ability is crucial and indispensable to the entire competition, our members In addition to giving full play to their strengths in the team, our teammates also communicate and learn from each other from time to time, and have the courage to try different things that they are not familiar with, giving the competition a higher level of meaning.

Furthermore, we also organize annual training to ensure that all team members have certain basic engineering capabilities, so that the team can operate more efficiently; actively participate in and organizing activities to promote the team to the outside world not only cultivates self-marketing skills, but also increases the team’s reputation.Our team members are also working hard on social account to increase our media exposure as much as possible.